Today I took a trip down memory lane and photographed objects against a Venetian blind. The last time I did this seriously was back in the 80s in a terraced house I lived in.
05/01/2011 - 18:15 |
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Today's project is another version of cross polarisation I've been doing a bit of lately. In this example I turned my LCD computer screen on its back facing upwards and photographed a collection of cheap disposable plastic shot glasses
04/01/2011 - 22:26 |
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Today's entry for my Photo365 project was inspired by the ePHOTOzine Black & White Group
03/01/2011 - 23:42 |
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Well the family decided to go to the shops and one of my resolutions was to shop less. So I decided to fulfil another resolution to go walking more. I packed up a sarnie, drink, few nibbles, got my boots out, coat, hat, gloves, super warm ePHOTOzine flee
02/01/2011 - 18:40 |
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Here's my first shot for my new Photo 365 Project taken tonight. I've been meaning to get round to photographing oil on water after reading Alison's Photo Month article on ePHOTOzine: Oil on Water.
01/01/2011 - 22:30 |
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I thought it would be good to start using this blog to share photography tips. Some will be obvious to many, but I hope you pick up a useful nugget of information from time to time.
One for ou
17/09/2009 - 18:50 |
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I've done this on a video, but for those who missed it.
When burning in a background to make it black create a curves adjustment layer first and adjust the curve so the image looks incredibly light. From this you will see the areas that are already blac
17/09/2009 - 18:50 |
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This tip can come in useful when you're shooting moving subjects.
Occasionally you may want to have a predefined viewpoint and your subject is moving into the frame. If, like me, you normally take photos with your right eye and have your left eye closed,
17/09/2009 - 18:50 |
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You read regularly that a reflector is useful and the normal DIY approach is to mount some tin foil onto a piece of card. I found another option that looks a bit more professional. One of those silver reflectors used to keep the sun out of a car window.
17/09/2009 - 18:50 |
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This is a quick way to see how a photo will look once it's uploaded before you upload it. many members at some point upload a photo and find it's not looking how they'd hopes. That's because your image editing program may display the image differently th
17/09/2009 - 18:49 |
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