Photo365 - 66 - owl drawing
10/03/2011 - 21:39

After the first day of Focus on Imaging I was knackered. It's the first time I've been on my feet for a whole day since my ill health a few years ago, and the first focus we've done since 2008.
I tend to spend all day standing and don't go for breaks and before I was like a robot but now I feel it.
In the evening we went for a bite to eat at our hotel's connected pub The Little Owl.
On trip to the toilet I spotted this framed owl drawing and decided that would be my Photo365 for the day.
It's taken using my iPhone with the Hipstamatic app. I intended loading the shot up to my blog using the Wordpress app which I checked was working correctly before I left for the event, but for some reason it stopped recognising the password when I was going to upload in the evening. I now have to find out why it won't work. If anyone has had the same issue let me know how you resolved it.