Photo365 - 52 - An apple a day
21/02/2011 - 21:55

Many of my Photo365 project pictures are still lifes taken at's starting to make me realise I don't get out and about enough. This is down to the monster I've created in ePHOTOzine - it consumes most of my time.
So a quick snap here and there is usually all I am getting chance to do.
That said the blog has ensured I've used the camera daily and I've tried to be as creative as possible in the space of time I have. It's more than I have been doing in previous years and I'm building up a healthy collection of potential stock images. As the weather improves I intend to go further afield and hopefully the blog will reflect this.
I'm on day 52, and today's photo was a struggle. I was in the office till late and when I got home I wanted to watch a friend's Channel 4 Dispatches program about hospital food before I start on the gallery to look at today's uploads. So I've had very little time but managed to squeeze in this shot - just before I ate it.
They say an apple a day is a healthy option - well it certainly was for the health of my Photo365 shot for today. I placed it on a red painted canvas and lit from overhead with a softbox to give the deep shadow underneath.
I got the photo in one shot, ate the apple and here I am.